International Women's Day / 'Women In The Mix'

Today marks International Women’s Day, and we encourage you to check out the newly-released ‘Women In The Mix Study’ conducted by Berklee College of Music, Arizona State University, and the Recording Academy.

Here at Manley Labs, we're proud to be a woman-owned company, and today we are honored to stand alongside so many others who support the advancement, recognition, and fair compensation of women creators and music professionals.

“The Recording Academy®, Arizona State University (ASU) and Berklee College of Music Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship (BerkleeICE) joined forces to launch the inaugural Women In The Mix Study, designed to examine and better understand the experiences and socio-economic landscape of women and gender-expansive individuals working in the American music industry.”

“With this study, the Academy, ASU and BerkleeICE affirm their commitment to create dialogue around the realities of women and gender-expansive people in music, directing resources to accelerate progress around representation and equity. “

“Advocates, allies, and the entire music industry are encouraged to use this data as a resource to help women in music overcome the challenges they face and ensure continual positive advancement for this community. Our hope is that the recommendations put forth in this study surrounding mentorship, access to resources, and opportunities will be put into action by the many influential companies in our industry.”

Chris Dauray