A "Voicey" Award for Manley Customer David Kaplan

Dominos Pizza, The Ritz Carlton, Good Year, Apple, Chobani, Gerber, Panasonic, Sunoco, T-Mobile, Rust-Oleum, Kaiser Permanente, NASCAR…whether you know it or not, you’ve probably heard David’s voice before.

As a long-time voiceover artist, David has contributed to countless commercial spots – and his mic of choice for many years has been the Manley Reference Cardioid. He recently sent us a lovely message, and was kind enough to let us share it here.

Congratulations, David!

“I have always had the belief that to be the best in anything you must surround yourself with the best. That goes for people and tools. The day I saw that Don LaFontaine used a Manley mic I knew I had to have one as well. In short order I also saw that two of my VO friends proudly stood behind Manley Reference Cardioids and they were enjoying success. I jumped in with both feet and never looked back, and this amazing tool is what gives me the confidence to make magic every day and win this award. Awards are nice but happy clients are the true reward. My smooth buttery sound is no doubt due in large part to my Manley Ref C.”

David Kaplan, voiceontherun.com
2021 Best Male Voice Actor Award Recipient – Voices.com

Chris Daurayrefcard