Sound On Sound Reviews the Manley NU MU

Sound On Sound has reviewed the Manley Nu Mu! Since it's a brand new review, it's still behind a subscriber paywall on their website...HOWEVER, the fine folks at SOS have made the entire new issue available to view online for free with email registration!

You can register and read the whole issue by clicking here
(Our review is on page 100 of the USA Edition, and 112 of the UK Edition.)

“…it excels at controlling the level of a source or mix, enabling you both to add color to it and to sculpt the character of its transients…a worthy addition to Manley’s product line.”

"…in addition to tracking and mixing, I could easily envision having a Nu Mu sitting permanently across my mix bus, both to add a touch of color and to gently massage any wayward peaks."

Bob Thomas, Sound On Sound (February 2021) -

Chris DaurayMNUMU