Sound On Sound Reviews the Manley ELOP®+

Sound On Sound has reviewed the Manley ELOP®+! Since it's a brand new review, it's still behind a subscriber paywall on their website...HOWEVER, the fine folks at SOS have made the entire new issue available to view online for free with email registration!

You can register and read the whole issue by clicking here
(Our review is on page 76.)

“As a reviewer, I find it really hard to be critical of the ELOP+, which says a lot...I have to give the ELOP+ a big thumbs up.”

"...a classy-sounding processor that's capable of a lovely, clean, relaxed-sounding compression. It can be 'driven' a bit to coax some flavor out of the tube stages, but the aim is for clean, unobtrusive dynamic control..."

"Enough has changed to make it more useful in a modern studio than its predecessor (lower noise, ratio switch...) but in essence, it's the same intuitive, great-sounding processor that gets a sound where you want it very quickly, and allows you to focus on the music rather than the gear."

Matt Houghton, Sound On Sound (June 2020) -

Chris DaurayMELPP