Massive Passive: A Hi-Fi EQ?

As you might expect, most Massive Passive EQ customers are professional recording industry people – tracking, mixing, or mastering engineers. But we’ve seen the Massivo end up in some really stellar home hi-fi systems over the years as well, for audiophiles who want the ability to sculpt their systems’ sound in true high-fidelity fashion.

Here’s a recent email we got from Manley customer Bill Martin:

“It has made an amazing difference in the system. It also allows me a little bit of flexibility when I listen to older/mono records of dubious quality. The truth is I just love music and anything that makes it more fun and more enjoyable is a plus. Keep making awesome products!

“Here’s a quick pic of my new Massive Passive with my Steelhead! Snappers are next!”

p.s. check out this lengthy and excellent thread that appeared on Reddit a few days after we published this post.

Chris Dauraymsmp, mshlr